Top 5 safest places to buy smurf account

It has the best rating overall for their remarkable customer service and value proposition. They have lowest prices available, typically less than half of what other websites charge. With multiple secure payment options like Stripe/PayPal, Visa and Mastercard etc. you can shop at your own convenience. Also they have tons of hand leveled accounts for every major region at the best prices. They sell accounts on every LOL region with Rare skins. You can adjust your smurf account to have your favorite skin.
Flawless reputation with over 40.000 satisfied customers. For the past few years, has been the best place to purchase smurf accounts. They offer the best service and have extremely friendly customer support. When you buy accounts from them, you’ll have a very enjoyable experience thanks
to the friendliest staff and the lowest prices in the market.


Our top pick is, which offers lifelong warranties and rapid delivery every single day.. This shop provides a variety of payment methods: Cards of credit and debit, PayPal, digital currencies, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. This website is for you if you want a Level 30 smurf account but just have a few dollars to spare.
Prices for NA / EUW / EUNE accounts begin at a low price and contain 30.000–150.000 Blue Essence with new MMR.
Real summoner names, no bans, and no queues with low priority are few of the perks they offer. They offer lowest prices in the market for some account which is quite helpful for those who are just starting up.
The site has an MMR checker that calculates the MMR of your account in different game modes . Additionally, their customer service team is very welcoming, and you can get in touch with them through a variety of channels. Customer testimonials are overwhelmingly good
Even though their ratings are almost perfect, there are better places to buy a smurf account on the market due to their lack of selection and the fact that some of the accounts are out of stock.


UnrankedSmurfs is another popular website for buying LoL smurf accounts. The website offers a wide variety of accounts at different levels and prices. All accounts are hand-leveled and come with a lifetime warranty. The website also offers a secure payment process and a 24/7 customer support team.


Due to their average of performances in some domains it remains doubtful to use but comparatively its still one of the safest places to buy LOL Smurf account. They offer very cheap accounts without warranty. It’s a large-scale account selling marketplace that has individual venders that sell their accounts. It’s not difficult to track down the smurf account you’re searching for as a result of their high- level filters. Some of accounts come with random rewards which is a pleasant surprise for their new users, for example, lootboxes.
On the off chance that you’re searching for a smurf account you’ll pay a couple of bucks and play two or three games before it gets restricted, G2G is your place to go.


LolFinity is a website that specializes in selling LoL accounts. It is one of the most reputable websites for buying and selling gaming accounts. The website has been in business since quite some time and has a strict verification process for all its sellers. All sellers are required to provide valid identification and proof of ownership of the account they are selling. Additionally, the website has a secure transaction process and offers a money-back guarantee.

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